Profile number 106205

Very good return on investment

31/10/2023 Date added

Located in

The Netherlands

Also interesting for this region (s)

All of the country

General information


Service industry

Type of company


Legal entity

Foreign legal entity

Type of transaction

To be determined

Life phase enterprise


Employees in FTE

< 5

Type of buyer

  • Strategic acquisition
  • Investor

Financial information

Turnover last financial year

€ 1.000.000 - € 2.500.000

Asking price

€ 250.000 - € 2.500.000

Earnings before taxes

€ 250.000 - € 500.000

Company history/background

With a track record of more than 20 years, we can offer a special proposition on behalf of our client for an investor who is interested in a proven high-yielding revenue model. Characteristics:

  • Long track record, fully verifiable
  • Exceptional returns, future-proof
  • Hardly subject to market-disrupting elements
  • Applicable worldwide
  • Payment in consultation
  • Warranty Coverage

We are of course happy to inform interested parties. With a track record of more than 20 years, we can offer a special proposition on behalf of our client for an investor who is interested in a proven high-yielding revenue model.

Very good return on investment
The Netherlands
Service industry
For sale
1.000.000 - 2.500.000
250.000 - 2.500.000